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CAMP Y.E.S. Youth Empowerment Siskiyou camp is focused on creating collaborative, trauma-informed, hope-centered healing pathways for trauma-exposed youth to believe in themselves, in others, and in their dreams.
Camp is focused on creating collaborative, trauma-informed, hope-centered healing pathways for trauma-exposed youth to believe in themselves, in others, and in their dreams. Camp attendees from similar programs have shown significantly positive outcomes year after year.
Meet Our Program Manager Lori Keyser-Boswell | CASA Program Manager Siskiyou County has been Lori's home since 1997, and it is here that she and her husband raised their sons and daughter. Prior to living in this area, she grew up working the berry and bean fields of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. She then pursued degrees in psychology and divinity in Tacoma and Berkeley. Lori has since lived in southcentral Alaska and eastern North Dakota.
Throughout her career, she has dedicated her time to facilitating the needs of people who have been marginalized. She has worked with teenagers living in group homes, victims of sexual assault, and individuals seeking refuge from violent, abusive relationships.
As an ordained Lutheran pastor since 1991, Lori has led retreats, taught classes, and coordinated outreach events. She has also offered spiritual support to individuals hospitalized with severe mental illness and hospice patients.
Lori's experience as a foster parent brought her to CASA in 2017. During the COVID-19 pandemic, she took a sojourn and worked as a social worker to assist people experiencing homelessness. In 2022, she returned to Youth Empowerment Siskiyou to lead their CASA program.
Lori loves working with the diverse individuals who donate their time, energy, and hearts to advocate for children in her county's Dependency and Juvenile Justice systems.
Lori Keyser-Boswell
CASA Program Manager
Siskiyou County has been Lori's home since 1997, and it is here that she and her husband raised their sons and daughter. Prior to living in this area, she grew up working the berry and bean fields of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. She then pursued degrees in psychology and divinity in Tacoma and Berkeley. Lori has since lived in southcentral Alaska and eastern North Dakota.
Lori Keyser-Boswell
CASA Program Manager
Siskiyou County has been Lori's home since 1997, and it is here that she and her husband raised their sons and daughter. Prior to living in this area, she grew up working the berry and bean fields of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. She then pursued degrees in psychology and divinity in Tacoma and Berkeley. Lori has since lived in southcentral Alaska and eastern North Dakota.
Lori Keyser-Boswell
CASA Program Manager
Siskiyou County has been Lori's home since 1997, and it is here that she and her husband raised their sons and daughter. Prior to living in this area, she grew up working the berry and bean fields of the Willamette Valley in Oregon. She then pursued degrees in psychology and divinity in Tacoma and Berkeley. Lori has since lived in southcentral Alaska and eastern North Dakota.
Location Address: Y.E.S. Youth Empowerment Siskiyou P.O. Box 1337 Yreka, CA 96097
Phone: (530) 841-0844
© COPYRIGHT 2024 Y.E.S. Youth Empowerment Siskiyou
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