Foster Youth More Likely to be Suspended from School
"Students who are suspended or expelled are more likely than their peers to have academic problems, drop out of school, and enter the juvenile justice system."
Kids Data recently released a bunch of data regarding school attendance for the 2018-2019 school year.
Suspension Data by Foster Youth Status
Foster Youth 151.1 per 1,000
Non-foster Youth 34 per 1,000
Siskiyou County
Foster Youth 96.2 per 1,000
Non-Foster Youth 42.1 per 1,000
Expulsion Data by Foster Youth Status
Foster Youth 3.7 per 1,000
Non-foster Youth 0.8 per 1,000
Siskiyou County
Not Available
Suspension Data by Homelessness Status
Homeless Students 59.6 per 1,000
Non-Homeless Students 33.8 per 1,000
Siskiyou County
Homeless Students 93.3 per 1,000
Non-Homeless Students 40.3 per 1,000
As you can see the data above reflects that foster youth and homeless youth are more likely to be suspended or face expulsion from school in Siskiyou County and California.
School attendance is an indicator of academic success which can have lifelong impacts. If our foster and homeless youth are not in school they are less likely to succeed in it. This should come as no surprise- you can't do well at school if you aren't there. Not only are these children encountering challenges in housing and family stability they are then encountering punitive repercussions in school.
All children deserve a good foundation in which they can build their lives on- especially trauma-exposed, foster and at-risk youth.