What is a Youth Advisory Committee?

"Nothing for us without us."


Nothing for young people without the input of young people. We believe youth should have a say in the way services are delivered by programs that claim to serve them. Especially because a lot of the youth we serve are currently in or have past experience in systems that assume some level of control over their lives.

The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) functions similarly to a board of directors. It is a governing body that provides guidance and vision like a board.  It also can influence decision making like a board does. In this way, the YAC can have meaningful impact on the lives of youth in our community because they are helping to shape effective services. You might be thinking, "Okay, the YAC governs and make suggestions but what does that really mean?" The YAC could do things like:

  • Starting an LGBTQ+ youth club
  • Starting a youth recovery club
  • Advising the CASA program on systematic changes
  • Advising YES on how to implement a new grant opportunity
  • Influence the Camp YES activities and group field trips
  • Make suggestions how YES can trains staff and volunteers
  • Provide input into events
  • Provide input into program efficacy

The issues the committee chooses to pursue is really up to the members and their collective experiences. That's why we believe the committee would be best served with members who have lived experiences.

Ideally, an elected member of the Youth Advisory Committee would attend board meetings. This is to maintain a steady stream of communication between the two governing bodies. These two governing bodies work together with the Executive Director and staff to provide optimal services that work for the youth they are serving.

If you're interested in joining our Youth Advisory Committee contact elizabeth@YESiskiyou.org

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